sábado, 18 de maio de 2013

the magic carousel

the magic carousel

! fill´er up, please ! : CARROL SHELBY

! fill´er up, please !


call 911


time for a commercial break

commercial break

! and we're back !

let´s´go racin :

 1979 ,   NORiSRiNG 
BMW 320 Turbo Gruppe 5, Norisring, 1979

i mustache U a question : # 237




! altamente ! #235


the only way is up : RAMPA da FALPERRA, 2013


have a V8 : ROVER 3.5 P6B

File:MHV Rover 3500V8 P6 02.jpg

? got milk ?


pulp & circumstance : #238

This is pornography to me.
Go, Man, Go! (1959)

a vida é bela : #244


bavarian motor wunder : Z4 (E86)

bavarian motor wunder

motardis motandis : #253

  motardis motandis

KAMOV KA-18, NATO code word "HOG"


time for a commercial break

commercial break

! and we're back !

troféu datsun : #235


ó morais dá aos pedais : #238 : ViCTORiA PENDLETON

!on your bike!

hoje é dia 18